Monaghan Collegiate School

Address:  Corlatt, Monaghan, H18X027
Phone: 047-82060

Board of Management

Monaghan Collegiate School, formerly Monaghan Diocesan School was originally founded by an Act of Dublin Parliament in 1570 and underwent a number of transitions up until 1902. From the inspiration of the original Diocesan School, the school was re-established in 1950 under the combined patronage of the Church of Ireland and Presbyterian churches. It is supported and run by the Board of Governors in conjunction with the Board of Management and has three Trustees. Based on our Protestant tradition and history, the school is committed to providing for the welfare (spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical) of all our pupils in an inclusive and caring environment, and to the development of mutual respect and tolerance grounded in Christian compassion.

The present members of the Board of Management are:

Chairperson: Rev. Alan McQuade
Governors: Chancellor Ian Berry & Ms. Julie Smyth
Teaching Staff Representatives: Mr. Colin Deering & Ms. Tracey McPhillips
Parent Representatives: Mr Alan Mackarel & Mrs Wendy McChesney
Secretary to the BOM: Mr. Johnston Reid

The term of office for each member of the board is three years.

The Board of Management delegates to the Principal, Mr. Johnston Reid and the Deputy Principal, Mr. George Dugdale, the day-to-day administration of the school.

The Board of Management may be contacted by writing to:

The Secretary,
Board of Management,
Monaghan Collegiate School,
Co. Monaghan


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