Monaghan Collegiate School

Address:  Corlatt, Monaghan, H18X027
Phone: 047-82060

Senior Cycle

The Leaving Certificate is a two-year programme, students normally study seven/eight subjects for examination purposes.

English, Irish and Maths are core subjects which mean they are compulsory except where a student holds an Irish exemption.

Students at Monaghan Collegiate School can pick any four optional subjects from a total of ten.

The optional subjects are: Business, Art, Construction Studies, Design & Communication Graphics, French, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, Home Economics and Music.

In addition, all senior students receive R.E, Personal Development classes and Career Guidance.

Students may opt to take the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) to complement the Leaving Certificate. This subject provides a vocational component to learning that is delivered through two link modules, Preparation for the World of Work and Enterprise Education.

Further information is available in the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme section.

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