A career guidance and counselling service is provided by a fully qualified guidance counsellor and a highly experienced team of staff including the Principal who is also a qualified counsellor.
- Transition from primary to secondary school
- Psychometric testing
- Subject choice guidance and introduction to career information pathways
- Online Career investigations
- Meetings with individual students
At senior level, the guidance and counselling programme also provides:
- Subject choice assistance
- Aptitude testing - individual careers folder for career progression and development.
- Parents/Guardians information evening.
- Career Research visits to:
- Higher Options Exhibition at the RDS Dublin
- UCAS, Belfast
- Queen’s University Belfast
- Dublin City University
- Other open days by arrangement
- Transition from second level to third level.
- Full assistance on Leaving Certificate Results Day.
- Follow up of every student.
Guidance Counsellor
Ms Murnaghan (Guidance Counsellor)
Please use the contact form below if you wish to make contact with the Guidance Counsellor