Monaghan Collegiate School

Address:  Corlatt, Monaghan, H18X027
Phone: 047-82060

Certified Irish Angus Schools Competition

Two groups of TY students have entered the Certified Irish Angus Schools Competition. Their promotional videos are posted below.

This exciting competition, ran by Certified Irish Angus with their partners ABP Ireland and Kepak Group, challenges students to rear five Irish Angus calves over 18 months while completing a research project. The initiative aims to promote the Certified Irish Angus brand while educating students about the care and attention required to produce quality beef for consumers.

Each group also benefits from the proceeds raised through the sale of the animals at the end of the competition. The overall winners also receive a bursary towards further education.

Group 1 (Stephen McCoy, Simon Weir, Adam Graham & David Wallace)

Group 2 (Samuel Donaldson, Harry Gray & Maksymilian Matyskiewicz)


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